SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_news where title like '%第五人格%' and classid=286 and istop=9 order by newstime desc limit 1
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SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=270 order by rand() limit 12
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      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 and isgood=8 order by newstime desc limit 5



    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and title like '%公告%' order by newstime desc limit 1
      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and title like '%公告%' order by newstime desc limit 1,6
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and title like '%活动%' order by newstime desc limit 1
      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and title like '%活动%' order by newstime desc limit 1,6
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=270 order by rand() limit 1SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=270 order by rand() limit 4
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 and isgood=9 order by newstime desc limit 1
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 and isgood=9 order by newstime desc limit 1,2
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 and isgood=9 order by newstime desc limit 3,1
    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 and isgood=9 order by newstime desc limit 4,2




      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=269 order by newstime desc limit 12
      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=270 order by newstime desc limit 12
      SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=272 order by newstime desc limit 12


    SQL Error: select a.*,b.classid,b.bclassid from ***_ecms_news as a INNER JOIN ***_enewsclass as b on a.classid=b.classid where title like '%第五人格%' and bclassid=272 order by newstime desc limit 12,10




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